Hiring a Marketing Consultant: Five Ways to Be Sure You Get Your Money's Worth
I've heard way too many negative stories lately from clients who feel like they've been burned by their marketing consultants. What's happening? And how can you know if that marketing consultant you hired is really worth it? It is possible for you to hire help and get results. Without just ending up with yet another thing you're solely responsible for.
On Not Taking My Own Advice {aka Why I Haven't Been Blogging}
I admit it. I haven't been taking my own advice. Remember when I wrote about 5 ways to make time for blogging? Yeah, that was almost two months ago. And I've published two posts since then
Should You Launch Your Own Blog?
You have a lot to say. Maybe you've started to gain recognition from the great work you're doing within your chosen expertise of corporate development or graphic design or bee behavior. You see the infinite flow of blog posts and social media chatter and you think maybe you're missing out. That's when you ask a marketing professional like me whether it's time for you to start a blog. And then you ask me how.