Show up. Keep Going. Rest. Repeat.
You can do this. Sometimes all it takes is to show up, keep going, and rest.
Lessons We Learn Over and Over
Some lessons I get immediately. But some, I’ve learned more times than I can count. Or more times than I’d like to. If I’m repeating mistakes, am I actually learning their lessons?
What’s Your Why Now?
It’s often said that the most important question to ask a startup founder, and for founders to ask themselves, is: Why now? It’s also the most important question to answer in your marketing. Why now?
Self-Actualizing or Self-Limiting?
Sometimes, self-actualizing beliefs can double as self-limiting beliefs. And it can be hard to see the difference.
Should Your Startup Outsource Its Marketing to an Agency?
Dear startups: Here’s why hiring a marketing agency might not be a great idea. And how to get it right.
On the Importance of Conversation
In a conversation, the salesperson has to learn and confirm what the customer wants. And the customer gets to confirm whether they got what they wanted. Without that, we go on autopilot, driven by assumptions that don’t fit the reality.
Marketing Degree Not Required
Especially in marketing, let’s not require post-secondary business or marketing education as table stakes. Here’s why.
Marketers: You need to get your hands in the dirt even when you’re the boss
Founders say all they meet are marketing leaders who want to come on board and talk big strategy with the CEO and then delegate everything. You can’t do that in most places. And it might not even be a great idea even once you’ve scaled enough to be hands-off. Here’s why.