Is it OK to Publish Your Blog Posts on Multiple Sites?
It used to be true that publishing your blog posts on more than one website would actually hurt your SEO standing and so potentially decrease traffic to your website. This is no longer the case. Here's why.
Why I've Stopped Using Photography on My Blog
You know the conventional wisdom, right? You have to have photos on your blogs. The Google likes the photos. So find a photo for every blog post. But maybe there's another way.
On Not Taking My Own Advice {aka Why I Haven't Been Blogging}
I admit it. I haven't been taking my own advice. Remember when I wrote about 5 ways to make time for blogging? Yeah, that was almost two months ago. And I've published two posts since then
5 Ways to Make Time for Blogging
While you could outsource your blog, I highly recommend you try your best to do it yourself. The value in blogging, especially as a solopreneur or artist, is in bringing your authentic voice and wisdom to your people. A great writer might be able to fill out your outlines or basic topic ideas. But that writer won't be you.
But. You're busy. So what do you do?
Too Busy to Blog?
You're so busy. You have so many demands on your time. There's no possible way you could start blogging on a regular basis. Even with all the data out there about how powerful blogging can be for building any brand or business.
Try something. Just for a week
Talking About Your Work...Like a Human
I tend to talk about marketing like a marketer. A marketer talking to marketers. Have you had this experience? Your work is relevant to people who don't do your work. But when you talk about your work, you talk like a jargon-bot and not like a human. So a lot of humans can't connect with it, even if it might benefit their work.
Three Steps to Better Blogging
Your blog is the hub of your marketing strategy. It's central to building your tribe. So blogging with focus and purpose is pretty powerful. But no fear - here are three steps to get you on your way to better blogging