Why I've Stopped Using Photography on My Blog
You know the conventional wisdom, right? You have to have photos on your blogs. The Google likes the photos. So find a photo for every blog post. But maybe there's another way.
Before You Blog: What Are You Writing About?
I used to think about all marketing content in the terms of micro-decisions. But lately, I've been thinking in much broader terms: what change am I seeking to inspire in the reader?
Three Steps to Better Blogging
Your blog is the hub of your marketing strategy. It's central to building your tribe. So blogging with focus and purpose is pretty powerful. But no fear - here are three steps to get you on your way to better blogging
I Need to Create a Website. Where Do I Start?
Quick. Grab a pen and paper. Step away from the computer. Answer these four questions, in your own handwriting, and you're on your way to creating your website.