Why I've Stopped Using Photography on My Blog
You know the conventional wisdom, right? You have to have photos on your blogs. The Google likes the photos. So find a photo for every blog post. But maybe there's another way.
On Not Taking My Own Advice {aka Why I Haven't Been Blogging}
I admit it. I haven't been taking my own advice. Remember when I wrote about 5 ways to make time for blogging? Yeah, that was almost two months ago. And I've published two posts since then
How Writing Makes You Better at Your Job
When you write, you'll find that you're not only creating useful content that your audience can learn from. You're also learning from yourself. So write as you work. It'll make you better at whatever you do. Whether you publish to a blog or keep it to yourself.
Before You Blog: What Are You Writing About?
I used to think about all marketing content in the terms of micro-decisions. But lately, I've been thinking in much broader terms: what change am I seeking to inspire in the reader?
Your Blog, Your Social Media Strategy, and the Hub-and-Spokes Content Marketing Strategy Model
Imagine your marketing strategy as a hub-and-spokes model. Then imagine your blog as the hub. You're on your way to a robust social strategy. It's as simple as 1-2-3.
I Need to Create a Website. Where Do I Start?
Quick. Grab a pen and paper. Step away from the computer. Answer these four questions, in your own handwriting, and you're on your way to creating your website.
Should You Launch Your Own Blog?
You have a lot to say. Maybe you've started to gain recognition from the great work you're doing within your chosen expertise of corporate development or graphic design or bee behavior. You see the infinite flow of blog posts and social media chatter and you think maybe you're missing out. That's when you ask a marketing professional like me whether it's time for you to start a blog. And then you ask me how.