What’s the Difference Between Your LinkedIn Personal Page and Company Page
Yes, the obvious here is that LinkedIn personal pages are for persons and LinkedIn company pages are for companies. But there are differences in what you can do with the two types of pages. And while everyone interested in marketing a b2b business should understand the key differences, this is especially important for solopreneurs.
The Magic Marketing Recipe: Problem + Value + Solution + Proof
Today's thriving solopreneurs have a lot to teach the rest of us about marketing. For one thing, they've perfected what I'm calling the magic marketing recipe. If it's working for these people who are driving thousands of people to their solutions, why not use it for bigger brands, too
Which Comes First: Product Launch or Content Marketing?
If you're a solopreneur or entrepreneur, you might find yourself trying to answer this question. Which do you do first: launch your product or service, or build your audience through content marketing