Is Your Brand Promise Your Tagline?
Your brand promise is a promise to your customers. Would you promise your best friend something and never tell her you promised it? Then how would it make sense for you to not tell your customers the promise you’ve made them?
I Promise. You Need a Brand Promise.
A brand promise is in fact a promise. It’s the promise that you make to your customers or clients. And it isn’t just some arcane b-school marketing jargon. And everyone needs one.
How to Create Your Brand
Developing a brand can feel pretty overwhelming to anyone who's launching or trying to grow a business, especially if you don't have marketing in your blood. Where do you start? You start with a brand platform. So...what's a brand platform?
What Should I Know About You?
Whatever you're marketing to the world, what if you thought about it from the perspective of the world asking you: "What should I know about you?"
4 Conditions for Getting Your Stuff Shared
There’s an endless sea of content out there. People share content to meet their own human needs. And they'll only pick your content to share if your band meets these four requirements. Even if your content that feeds their needs
Marketing is Leadership is Trust
Marketing is the practice of leading a person to make new choices, to become something new by choosing the promise you offer them. Leadership is the practice of making people feel safe so that they might trust you