Before You Blog: What Are You Writing About?
I used to think about all marketing content in the terms of micro-decisions. But lately, I've been thinking in much broader terms: what change am I seeking to inspire in the reader?
Careful There...The Authenticity is in the Details
What can a chick flick teach us about authenticity in marketing? Crafting marketing that feels authentic to your intended audience personas is tricky business. Your key messages (or plot points) might be right on point, but if your voice or tactics are at all off, you might hit some friction.
Resilience: Bouncing Back from Failure and Wrestling Emotion Out of the Driver’s Seat
Building up resilience, building up our tolerance for failure, allows us to choose to be vulnerable and authentic. It’s what allows us to say something in that meeting; to question assumptions; to inspire the team to try something new; invest ourselves in a mission or even in another person
Authenticity: SXSW and How I Learned to Stop Speaking Bull
The thing is, being authentic is hard. It feels like a risk. Whether you’re deciding to value human-centric language over SEO data, or being more real with your teams than perhaps you were raised to do, it feels like a risk. And a risk means potential for failure. And failure is scary, right? Or maybe not…. Hope you’ll read my next blogs about SXSW lessons on vulnerability and resilience. It's all tied together